Pingu-taung-pyant, Kyatpyin Central, Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar

Pingu-taung-pyant (Plains of the Spider Hill) is an extension of the Inn-gaung gem mining area. The gem mining is situated to the north of the sites along the shallow banks of the Pingu-taung stream. About two-thirds of the gems recovered are rubies, with the remainder consisting of blue and other colored sapphires, quartz, spinel, schorl, topaz, diopside and zircon. Star rubies and fewer star sapphires are occasionally found. All the gems are recovered from the alluvium, by open-pit mechanized mining operations. In a nearby area leading to Baw-lon-gyi rubies, spinels and occasionally blue sapphires are recovered, some of them weighing over 10 carats.

Ref: Ted Themelis (2008) Gems and Mines of Mogok, p. 245

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