The corundum is most intensely concentrated in marbles of the Chuksin-Kuchin graben-syncline, to the north and south of which the Chuksin and
Kuchin ruby placer deposits were explored.
On the Chuksin site, the corundum-bearing strata of marbles is limited by faults, which control hydrothermal alteration and contain pink
topaz. Granite pegmatites with
columbite are widespread west of the site.
In the northern part of the Chuksin area, fine-grained quartz sand with staurolite, kyanite and irregularly distributed grains of
corundum prevail in the formation. The corundum is red of different tints, some of which are transparent. The heavy fraction of pan concentrates contains monazite, small (up to 3 mm) crystals of pink
spinel and others.
Ref: E. Ya. Kievlenko, Geology of gems, 2003, p. 50, 62
Gemstone List