ruby and pink, and violet
sapphire with associated calcite, dolomite, margarite, phlogopite, and rutile were discovered in Nepal at the end of 1970s in marbles and calciphyres alternating with scapolite gneisses, granulites and graphite schists (Harding, 1986).
Nepalese corundums are characterized by polysynthetic twinning on the positive rhombohedron and numerous inclusions. Occasional two-phase (gas-liquid) and three-phase (gas-liquid-solid) inclusions are observed.
Colour zoning is expressed as verying intensities of blue or as blue rims around a red nucleus. The refractive indices are 1.759 - 1.770, the density is 3.37 - 3.98 g/cm³ (Kiefert and Schmetzer, 1967).
Ref: E.Ya. Kievlenko, Geology of gems, 2003, p. 55 - 56
Gemstone List
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Gemstones from Nepal by Colour
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Localities in this Region
Nepal - P1 Koshi Pradesh
- P3 Bagmati Pradesh
- Dhading District
- Rasuwa District
- P4 Gandaki Pradesh
- P6 Karnali Pradesh