Nezametnoe deposit (Nezametny gold mine), Kedrovaya river, Roshchino, Krasnoarmeysky District, Primorsky Krai, Russia

Crystals of light blue, blue and greenish-yellow sapphires, up to 1 cm in size and suitable for cutting, are found in modern alluvial gold-bearing placer deposits of the Nezametny gold mine, in the Big Ussurka River basin, a tributary of the Ussury River, in Primorskiy Kray.

The sapphire and associated minerals - zircon (hyacinth), spinel (hercynite), and rutile - are probably derived from nepheline basalt (ankaratrite), which is part of the Pliocene Shufan formation.

Ref: E.Ya. Kievlenko, Geology of gems, 2003, p. 63

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