de Milhou's lode, Emmaville, Gough Co., New South Wales, Australia

Emeralds were first discovered in 1890, during mining of the tin-bearing vein. The area is located 9 km north of Emmaville. The deposit was called the Emerald Mine, but its commercial importance proved to be insignificant. Thickness of the emerald-bearing greisen bodies range from several cm to 1 m.

Prismatic emerald crystals, reaching 3 cm in length and 1 to 10 mm in thickness, as well as intergrowths of needle-like crystals are found in small cavities in association with dickite within quartz-topaz masses. Light-coloured stones predominate, a few stones have a bright emerald-green colour with slight yellowish tint. Density is low at 2.68 g/cm³.

Ref: E.Ya. Kievlenko (2003) Geology of gems, p. 96

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