Kyauk-wa, Chaung-gyi, Mogok Township, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar

Kyauk-wa (Yellow stone) is located to the north of the Chaung-gyi valley. The mining area is situated in treacherous terrain and can be reached only on foot from Mana village. Several joint ventures operating in small scale open-pit schemes mine mostly blue, yellow and purplish sapphires, spinel in assorted colors and a small number of rubies. These gems are usually small in size and mostly of cabochon grade; fine quality gems are rarely found. In the same area, kornerupine, schorl and dark green tourmaline, pyrite and almandine are also found.

Ref: Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok, p. 186

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