
Hibschite is named after named after Josef Emanuel Hibsch, Tetschen, Bohemia, who found the original specimen.

Hibschite is a variety of grossular garnet with some replacement of hydroxyl for silica. Previously it was considered to be a discrete mineral species itself. Essentially the same as hydrogrossular.

Hibschite is generally white to light yellow, or may have tints of grey, green to bluish green, rarely smoky grey to black. It occurs in microscopic crystals, which may be packed together very densely.

General Information
A variety or type of:Grossular, which is a variety of Garnet Group
Chemical Formula
(x=0.2 to 1.5)
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
Physical Properties of Hibschite
Mohs Hardness6
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
Specific Gravity3.05 to 3.08
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
More from other references
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001) Very brittle
Cleavage QualityNone
Gemdat.org, Management Team (2012)
Gemdat.org, Management Team (2012)
Optical Properties of Hibschite
Optical CharacterIsotropic
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001) May be anomalously biaxial
Colour (General)Colorless or pale yellow
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
More from other references
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001) Semitransparent
Gemdat.org, Management Team (2012)
Crystallography of Hibschite
Crystal SystemIsometric
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
HabitAs shells (up to 60 mm thick) replacing andradite or other minerals.
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
Geological Environment
Where found:In a calcareous marl (Marianska Hora, Czech Republic); in zeolite-calcite rocks and low-grade metamorphosed marls (Hatrurim Formation, Israel).
Anthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
Further Information
Mineral information:Hibschite information at mindat.org
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