
Big Photo

1.30 carats
© Palagems

Poudretteite is named after the Poudrette family, operators of the quarry where the mineral was discovered.

Poudrettite forms transparent violet to pink roughly equant barrel-shaped prismatic crystals.

Poudretteite is a very rare material. Clean gems over 1 ct are uncommon.

Poudretteite Gemstones by Colour

This table shows the variety of hues this gemstone can be found in. Click on a photo for more information.

Poudretteite Gemstones by Size

This table shows distribution of Poudretteite gemstone sizes that are listed on this site. This can give a good indication as to the general availability of this gemstone in different sizes.
Contributed photos
Lightest:.37 cts
Heaviest:1.30 cts
Average:0.69 cts
Total photos:3
Do you have a larger Poudretteite? Why not upload a photo?
0.37ct to 0.46ct0.46ct to 0.56ct0.56ct to 0.65ct0.65ct to 0.74ct0.74ct to 0.84ct0.84ct to 0.93ct0.93ct to 1.02ct1.02ct to 1.11ct1.11ct to 1.21ct1.21ct to 1.30ct
General Information
Chemical Formula
Michael O’Donoghue, Gems, Sixth Edition (2006)
Physical Properties of Poudretteite
Mohs Hardness5
Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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Specific Gravity2.51 to 2.53
Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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Optical Properties of Poudretteite
Refractive Index1.511 to 1.532
Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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Optical CharacterUniaxial/+
Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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PleochroismStrong: purple-pink/colourless to brownish
Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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Colour (General)Violet, pink, colourless
Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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Crystallography of Poudretteite
Crystal SystemHexagonal
Ulrich Henn and Claudio C. Milisenda, Gemmological Tables (2004)
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HabitRoughly equant barrel-shaped prismatic crystals
Michael O’Donoghue, Gems, Sixth Edition (2006)
Geological Environment
Where found:Poudrettite is found in marble xenoliths
within nepheline syenite breccias in an intrusive alkalic gabbro-syenite complex.
Michael O’Donoghue, Gems, Sixth Edition (2006)
Further Information
Mineral information:Poudretteite information at mindat.org
Significant Gem Localities
  • Québec
    • Montérégie
      • La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM
        • Mont Saint-Hilaire
Gems, Sixth Edition, Michael O’Donoghue, 2006, p. 439
  • Mandalay Region
    • Pyin-Oo-Lwin District
Gems, Sixth Edition, Michael O’Donoghue, 2006, p. 439
        • Kyatpyin North
Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok
        • Mogok Valley
Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok
        • Pein-Pyit (Painpyit; Pyan Pyit)
Ted Themelis (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok
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